Class Descriptions

Creative Beginner Ages 3-5 :

This is a creative movement class for children aged 3 -5 intended to offer a warm and fun introduction to Irish dance. The focus of this class is to movement, balance, rhythm and basic Irish dance steps and technique combined with games and group dances. No special footwear is required for class.

Beginner Ages 6+/Kerry :

This class is intended for beginners over the age of 6, or children who have been invited by the teachers to move to the next level of dance. This class will teach beginners a proper warm up, foot placement, and technique for basic Irish dance steps combined with fun dance activities. Dancers will be prepared for performances and to compete in their first competition if they so choose. Irish soft shoes are recommended for this class. 

Tipperary :

This class is intended for students who have completed at least one beginner level class and are working to master the basic technique, rhythm, and timing of beginner level reels, light jigs, and slip jigs. Dancers will be invited to progress to Tipperary class once they have met the requisite skills of the Kerry class; and will be prepared to compete at a beginner/advanced beginner level at competitions. Dancers will also be introduced to figure (group) dancing. Tipperary class will also begin to learn hard shoe dances. Irish soft shoes and hard shoes are required for the Tipperary class.

Galway : 

This class is intended for students who have completed Tipperary class and/or have been invited to progress once they have met the requisite skills of the Tipperary class. This class is intended to prepare dancers to compete novice (intermediate) level dances at competition in both hard and soft shoe, as well as prepare dancers to compete in figure (group) dances. Irish soft and hard shoes are required for class. 

Dublin :

This class is intended for students who have been invited to progress once they have met the requisite skills of the Galway class. This class is intended to prepare dancers to compete prizewinner (advanced) level and figure (group) dances at competition in both hard and soft shoe, as well as prepare dancers to compete at Major competitions (Oireachtas/NANs). Irish soft and hard shoes are required for class.


This class is intended for students who have been invited to progress once they have met the requisite skills of the Dublin class. This class is intended to prepare dancers to compete at a championship level in hard and soft shoe, figures/ceili (group) dances, as well as a focus on modern set dances. The goal of this class is to prepare dancers to compete and place at Major competitions (Oireachtas/NANs/Worlds).

Adults :

Open to all levels of adult dancers, with a focus on basic Irish dance skills and ceili (group) dancing. Additional class options are offered for adults who are interested in competing, please use the "Contact Us" tab or email for further inquiries and additional information will be emailed to you.

Ceili Competition Teams - Enrollment is by instructor invitation only

Champion Set Dance Class – Prerequisite: Students are actively competing in championship competitions. All dancers intending to compete at the Oireachtas must consistently attend set dance class.

Performance Class – Prerequisite: Students have demonstrated clear understanding and execution of competition level skills in both soft shoe and hard shoe, and are interested in performance-oriented Irish dancing. This class is recommended for intermediate to advanced level dancers who prefer not to compete. Note: Enrollment is by instructor invitation only.

Private Lessons - Scheduled as needed

Injury Prevention and Wellness Checks - Scheduled as needed